How to Make Your Trip to Italy Worth More

Written by EJ Ray

July 14, 2021
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Italy was a dream destination for many of us—and it still is. Impressive architecture and art, wines and delicious food, and a different culture you can’t get enough of. All that makes Italy a place you can’t visit only once in a lifetime. The history of tourism in Italy goes back a long way. Historians say visitors came to Italy as far back as 2200 years ago, during the Roman Empire, to watch gladiatorial fights, wildlife, and reconstructions of battles in the Roman Colosseum. Also, many people later visited Italy for religious reasons or education in art and science. There remain so many reasons to plan for a trip to Italy.

Present-day Italy is so rich in history. It touches continental Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. If you find yourself in northern Italy for example, you could visit Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, and even France in one day. Italy is in the heart of Europe and nothing seems far anymore once you’re there. It makes sense to take a longer holiday to get the most out of the cost of the ticket, from a financial point of view.

Tourism in Italy as We Know It

Although people visited Italy for centuries, it was considered something for the elite by the middle of the nineteenth century. Three hundred years ago, the “Grand Tour” was a journey made by wealthy young people. Sending children to get familiar with classical art and masterpieces became a part of a tradition as well as prestige for the upper class. The tour included traveling from Venice to Sicily, spending time in Rome or Naples.

By the middle of the 19th century, with rail transportation, places such as Venice and Sicily remained the top attractions. But the seaside resorts became more popular and large hotels and holiday resorts were built. Islands were still visited only by wealthy foreigners and scholars.

Piazzo San Marco in Venice. Photo by Susan Lanier-Graham

By the first World War, tourism had become a big opportunity, as Italy was accepting more than 90,000 visitors from Britain only every year. The government established the Italian State Office to assist tourism growth immediately after the end of the war.

In the last 100 years, Italian tourism has grown and has been through many ups and downs, along with the rest of the world. Which only added to the appeal of a trip to Italy.

Take a Small Coffee Break and Imagine a Historic Event

It is very rewarding to invest more time in knowing the history of Italy. While sipping your morning espresso macchiato in a small local cafe, you’ll probably be looking at one of the Italian squares. There is a possibility that right there, a few hundred or even a thousand years ago, some of the many units were preparing to go to one of many wars.

Italy coffee

Enjoy a morning cup of coffee at a cafe in Italy, like this one in Milan. Photo by Susan Lanier-Graham

Italy was the scene not only of many important religious, scientific, and cultural events but also of important European wars. Asian and African units, armies, and mercenaries from the north and south of Europe fought for Italian cities.

The main trade routes from the east passed through the Byzantine Empire or the Arab lands and onwards to the ports of Italy. Spices, dyes, and silks were resold throughout Europe. It makes your trip to Italy more enticing when you try to think about the history of the places you visit

Enjoying the Gastronomy of Italy

As drinking short and strong coffee in the “American way” became part of Italian culture, so did a variety of foods. Geography and way of life and the diversity of what nature has provided have shaped the Italian menu. Aromatic Mediterranean seasonings add to the vibrancy of each dish.

Italian cuisine relies on real, natural ingredients. Whether it’s the olives, the fish, or the lamb, most food is locally grown. Delicious homemade-style dishes use ingredients harvested during their seasonal peak of quality. Enjoying this fresh local cuisine helps make for the ideal trip to Italy.

Italian cuisine

Italian cuisine features fresh local ingredients. Photo by sveta_zarzamora via iStock by Getty Images

And what better way to take a break from a long walk on a summer day than to have a “gelato” or a “granita”.  Those summer treats Italy has to offer have spread around the globe, but there is at least a special feeling when tasted in Italy.

Italian Gelato

Italian gelato in a waffle cone enjoyed on the streets of Venice. Photo by NataliaDeriabina via iStock by Getty Images

Another thing to note is that even though you’ve tried the same dish in one part of Italy, you can expect a different taste in another region.  You’re anyway guaranteed the Italian restaurant experience, only dishes can taste as different as you’d find between countries.

A Slower Pace and a Safer Trip

Take time and prepare for a slower-paced visit to Italy. Those beautiful lakes and mountains in northern Italy are beautiful to see from a train. Stopping at small restaurants during your stay might also be a good idea, as they have good food, allowing you to slow down and enjoy watching the locals. And, who knows, these little nooks may be good places to test the mettle of your Italian with the locals. You can brush up ahead of time and can find Italian tutors online.

Varenna near Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como

Varenna on Lake Como. Photo by Ruth W Carlson

And don’t forget to imagine that where you are sitting, some peasant, conqueror, pilgrim, or merchant might have also had a couple of hours of rest hundreds of years ago.

As you can see, there are so many reasons to plan a trip to Italy. You can start learning basic Italian phrases using The Intrepid Guide in order for you to be prepared when you finally visit Italy. That way you can order just what you want while you sit in that neighborhood café.

Find out more on Wander With Wonder about what to do during your trip to Italy.

Italy was a dream destination for many of us—and it still is. Impressive architecture and art, wines and delicious food, and a different culture you can’t get enough of. All that makes Italy a place you can’t visit only once in a lifetime. The history of tourism in Italy goes back a long way, during the times of the Roman Empire. Also, many people later visited Italy for religious reasons or education in art and science. There remain so many reasons to plan for a trip to Italy.

Written by EJ Ray

EJ Ray is a traveler at heart. It is part of her soul and she loves to share her travels through her words. She has traveled the world, seeking great food, wine, and experiences. EJ was born in the Eastern US but has lived across the country and in Europe and Mexico. She also took to the road for a while, exploring from her RV. EJ always seeks the next great sip, bite, and adventure.